Monday 29 July 2013


So I was given an Amazon Kindle for my birthday a while back and I haven't really used it because I was scared that I would like it too much and never by another book again. But the other day I was using it a bit more and I realised that it was actually pretty good and although I'll always love my actual books, it's okay to love both and I mean, if I can take 20 books on the go with me then why not?

For all you bookworms, I won't be giving up my actual books just yet so don't you worry about that just yet.

Best Wishes, 

Sunday 28 July 2013


So I haven't been here for a while and for that I've got to apologise. BUT I'm back and better than ever (no actually I'm exactly the same but that would be boring now wouldn't it?) So these past few months, (gosh it has been long hasn't it) I've been super busy with exams and such that I have had literally no spare time. Also no, watching re-runs of doctor who is a perfectly acceptable way of spending the little amount of spare time I did have. Anyway, so now my exams are over and prom is done and dusted with, I thought why not pull the old blog out from the back of the shelf and start this whole sh-bang again. So how about a quick update yes?

1. As I said before, my exams are all OVER. I'm still dwindling in that stage between exams and results so I don't quite feel like a free spirit just yet. I'll be getting my results on the 22nd August like all of the other 16 years old's in the country.

2. Prom was good, not much to say apart from the fact that it was alright and a bit of a laugh to be honest.

3. My holiday so far hasn't been very eventful but I am currently working through the 200 films on my list and job hunting so YAY me.

4. Ramadan, as you may or may not know, I'm a Muslim which means that I am currently fasting and it is going okay apart from the horrible heat that suddenly decides to show up in an otherwise rainy England. Smiles all around though.

So that's about it for this little catch up, I should have a regular posting regime from here on out, fingers crossed. Also I may have a few pictures and such that I will upload and some of them I can't remember when they were taken etc so just picture it being somewhere between April and today. 

Best Wishes,